Thursday, December 11, 2014

From Lima to Paris - A Global Renewable Energy Action Plan

An initiative of the World Bioenergy Association from the climate negotiations in Lima, Peru - a Global Renewable Energy Action Plan (GREAP) for 2035 as a guideline for business and policy towards a world no more than 2°C warmer.
The recent reports of the IPCC (Assessment Report) and IEA (World Energy Outlook) are alarming – an increasing move away from climate targets! The logical and compelling solution to these reports is a GREAP that is broken down to continents, states, and regions based on the experiences gained in Europe and monitored regularly by UN bodies.

To bring the world on a road to achieving 2°C target with high probability, the global target of the GREAP should be a 50% share of renewables in final energy consumption by 2035 and reducing fossil fuel use by 50% in 2035 as compared to 2012.

This GREAP should be a part of the negotiations to reach a climate and energy agreement in Paris, France. As the current energy system is the main cause of climate change, a climate package integrated with a renewable energy system is crucial!

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